Accommodation types

So you are searching for accommodation in Sochi by it's type. There are common types of accommodation to choose from (in alphabetical order) - ApartmentCottageGuest House, HostelHotel, House, RoomVilla.

You can find description, brief information on facilities and contacts on our website. We do not take responsibilities for reservations. In Russia it is quite normal to contact the owner direct and rent an apartment, especially on a resort. Renting directly from the owner might be cheaper than from a real estate agency, also single objects are not usually placed on resourses as, besides you can find really nice apartment with great facilities nearby.

What else? Apartments, as well as houses, cottages and villas might have own kitchen, sometimes rooms and hostels have a kitchen available for use. Russians prefer natural ecological food, so in shops you might find out very tasty things you will want to cook over than using restaurants all the time. Think about it. Also it is cheaper.

If you are foreigner and first time in Russia we recommend you to use real estate agents services for rental of private properties, they will help you make good agreement with owner where you won't have to clean up by yourself for example, or have bed clothes changed regulary.

Find all the accommodation types of Sochi on our website!